Porcelain veneers are wafer thin, custom made ceramic facings or shells.
They can be used on their own or as part of a bigger smile makeover.
Although thin they are incredibly strong once bonded to the tooth. Dr James Russell only uses the latest, strongest ceramics and is actually an opinion leader and sought after lecturer on the subject of porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers should look their best for 10-15 years. After that time some of the surface luster may have dulled or margins become more visible but replacement is likely to be optional rather than a clinical requirement.
Any dental procedure must be carefully planned and perfectly executed but with porcelain veneers it's more important that ever. Dr James Russell has had vast experience in placing porcelain veneers to the highest, award winning standard so you can sure that you're getting the best.
There are several key stages involved:The great thing about the above approach is that both dentist and patient have lots of opportunity to see and discuss how things will look - this way everyone knows the end result is going to be perfect!